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Life After UHS Video Instructions

DUE DATE EXTENDED: Wednesday, May 22

Dear Senior Families, 

Monday, May 1, 2024 is National Decision Day for our members of the Class of 2024. National Decision Day is a time when our Senior class members make a decision about where they will attend college for the following school year and beyond. We would like to honor this tradition once again with a video celebration for the Class of 2024.  This video will play during the Sincerely Senior events on May 28 and May 29. We will then release the video to the community on Thursday, May  30.

We ask that parents help us to honor our Seniors by recording a video of your student. In the video, the members of the Class of 2024 should be dressed in their college attire if applicable. They should introduce themself and tell the audience the school they will be attending and their potential major of study. This also includes any plans to join the military or enter into a trade/work force following graduation.

Example: “My name is Jane Smith and I will be attending the University of Texas where I will major in Chemical Engineering and play field hockey! Go Longhorns!” 

Please fill out this Google Form to upload the video by the date of Wednesday, May 22. In order to accommodate space for each member of the Class of 2024, we ask that videos are no longer than 10 -15 seconds. 

Video Checklist:

  • Film in landscape (if filming with an iPhone or mobile device, hold device on its side)
  • The video file must be an MOV or MP4 file
  • Video length should not be longer than 10-15 seconds and should include 3 seconds silence before your child begins speaking and 3 seconds after
  • Make sure there is no extra noise or music in the background
  • You must include your student’s name in the email along with the attached video file
  • Please have your student speak loudly and clearly

NOTE: If the video is too large for the Google Form, please have your student upload it to their school Google Drive and share the file with (UHS Tech Integrator). 



Dr. Amy Jenkins