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Test Information

PSAT 2023 Information 


ACT TEST: Register online at


SAT TEST: Register online at


The College Board is now requiring that any student approved for accommodations provide their accommodations letter on test day.  You would have received a letter in the mail when you were approved for your accommodations.  If you no longer have this letter it is your responsibility to see your IEP case manager or stop into the counseling center to request a copy of the letter from the counseling center secretaries prior to your scheduled SAT test date.  Students with 504 Plans should stop in to the counseling center secretaries to receive a copy of their verification letter if needed.  Once you have a copy it is advised that you keep it so you can use it for future test dates.  



Students are strongly encouraged to synch their College Board account with Khan Academy for personalized SAT practice. Here is a video link on how to connect accounts:

About Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy | Test prep | Khan Academy

Khan Academy Free SAT Test Prep

Additional links to learn more about the test as well as practice and review questions:

For account/log in issues, you will need to reach out to the College Board directly.  Counselors do not have the ability to access or reset account information for students on the CollegeBoard website. Contact information is below:

Students and Parents:  866-433-7728


                                                       SAT Prep
Prepping for college amidst a global pandemic can present many challenges such as a lack of available resources for graduating seniors and adults returning to school. At, our team has created an all-inclusive SAT guide that covers an overview of the test, online testing options, a breakdown of each test section, helpful tips, important disability information, and more. 

Check out the guide here

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